Sunday 8 November 2015

Towards Smarter marking

Here are more things we are doing to ensure effective use of teacher time.  I am amazed that not all schools are doing these already.  The resounding message is we must all be working smarter for maximum use of teacher time.

The days of long hours of marking till 11pm daily so OFSTED does not grade us  as 'Marking is ineffective.' should be dead and buried six feet under.

Here are two helpful blog links for more ideas on using teacher time more effectively:

Micheal Tidd: Why we've got marking wrong:

and Joe Kirby: Marking is a hornet:

Saturday 7 November 2015

Towards an impeccable behaviour

Here is link to Tom Sherrington (headgurutecaher) blog on helping students achieve excellent learning behaviour: 

 I like the 4 simple rules below which will work with any set of children and in any phase or setting.

Teachers will issue C1 warnings and C2 final warnings in class.  The rules are very simple:
·         Respond promptly to the signal for attention
·         Follow instructions from teaching staff when given
·         Remain on task as directed
·         Listen when others are speaking

The visual warnings displayed clearly for students to see remind them to refocus on the task at hand. I have found these work for my class particularly with any argument about 'I did not get any warning, you just sent me out.’

Tuesday 23 June 2015

First Reader: Book 1

For ages 5+

With daily practice, this delightful book will get children reading fluently in two - six weeks.

Key features
  • Builds on letter sounds knowledge
  • Uses letter sound combination for word reading
  • Uses enjoyable repetitive phrases which children find easy to remember
  • Includes stories all children can relate to
  • Includes popular traditional tales
  • Includes comprehension questions on each story
  • All the stories are contained in one book
  • Can be used by anyone to teach a child to read
  • Provides real value for money


I used it with her over the Christmas holiday every day and she started to read well. Now all she wants to do is read books. Thank you for giving her the book. Mrs K.

My son finds reading very hard, he takes this book with him to bed every night and he is trying very hard with it. He reads the stories he knows well over and over again. This is improving his reading. Mrs A.

My cousin’s child used the book to learn to learn very quickly. All she does now is read and write all the time. Ms R

She loves the stories in the book; she says them off by heart. She likes to write the stories down from memory, this is making her writing better. Mr I

Click on the book to purchase from Amazon. 

Monday 6 April 2015

TopChoice Tuition Centre

Topchoice Tuition Centre which operates from Copleston Centre, Copleston Road, Peckham South London, was established in September 2014 by Fidelia Nimmons, an experienced teacher and examiner to provide tuition to local students from Year 1 to GCE.

The centre’s aims include:
·        providing bespoke programmes of study for each student as identified by ongoing teacher assessment;
·        working with students to improve their current levels in English and mathematics;
·        providing books and activities which students can use independently at home;
·        working with parents to effectively support their children at home;
·        providing parents with strategies to work with their children at home.

Visit their website on the link below to find out more about their range of provision: