Saturday, 29 June 2013

Great web sites

Reading comprehension resources from Readworks:

 Here is a link to Letia Cooper’s website with great resources including monthly calendar of curriculum resources and web links:

Great free resources

Here is a link to Letia Cooper’s collection of great livebinders.

There is sure to be something for everyone here:

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

English Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Writing practise book: Essential revision and practise: Levels 2 – 4

This book contains complete English revision for children at Key Stage 2 (years 3 to 5). Learners from upper key Stages who need to revisit some areas of English Language will find the detailed step by step explanations in each section a good scaffold for their current work.                                                   

Each chapter comprises:
1. A reading text

2. Related reading comprehension questions 

3. Grammar work covering English word classes and detailed explanations of key terms 

4. Related exercises to afford learners opportunity to practise new knowledge and skills 

5. Spelling and dictionary work based on key learning objectives for the Key Stage  

6. Writing composition exercises which relate to the reading text: each writing activity is supported by questions and planning frame to ensure successful written piece for the chapter genre.

Parents will find all they need in this book to teach and support their children at home. Children can work independently by themselves using answers at the back of the book to check their responses.

Private Tutors will find the book an invaluable handbook for teaching learners from ages 7 to 12; and slower learners above this age group.