Well, tough there isn’t one. This is a lesson I learnt as a Head Teacher.
Whilst school leaders
are expected to be able to recognise one when they see it, many schools end up
weighing the pig, sometimes weighing it to death in an effort to judge quality of teaching and learning in classrooms
accurately forgetting that frequent weighing of the pig will not make it any heavier.
Planned weighing though could help improve arrangements for its diet which would
help it grow heavier in time. This goes into the school improvement plan
contributed to by all staff.
The point of weighing lessons known popularly as lesson
observations is to improve students’ learning and our key indicators for this
are: progress in children’s work, teacher’s assessment and progress during lessons,
it goes without saying that using one lesson observation to ascertain this could
prove misleading. Pupils’ progress must be over time not one made in a single 30
minute observation with a showy teacher who knows how to pull all the stops to
pull a rabbit out of the hat. Thankfully most school leaders and others who
hold teachers to account know this. I learnt very early on in my career years
ago that an inspector within 3 minutes of entering your class can judge these
factors accurately.
As school leaders go, I have not deviated from this astute
observation skill when visiting classes. Actually this method puts less on
teachers as it supports coaching through which discussions rather than
judgements take place putting the teacher at ease and to feel more supported
and trusted by school leadership; it goes without saying that everyone performs
better without a whip on their back. A system I introduced to my staff was
lesson study comprising a triad of teachers who plan together, support each other
during delivery period of those sequences of lessons including taking it in
turn to observe each other’s lessons and discussing strengths and an agreed
area for improvement. Teachers engage in coaching and peer observations
continually with this system which incidentally also ensure each one’s PD when
they take different roles in the team. My only involvement was individual
teachers letting me know what target they would like to work on as part of
their PM arrangement. It is rewarding to see the resulting team work and most
important of all, improvements in practice and students’ progress. Read more about lesson study here:
Back to what are the key features of outstanding lessons, the
answer should lie in what progress the students are making. Outstanding progress
only results from outstanding lessons from all across the school. It is important to point out here that this
does not just happen and some of the following aspects of practice must have
been embedded in school practice:
The classroom is lively and interesting
Students support each other and are very keen to
improve their own individual skills
They assess self, others, own and others’ work
Students are challenged and enjoy lessons
Teacher develops students’ basic skills in the
core subjects in across curricular ways
Teacher’s assessment of students needs is accurate and ongoing
Teacher displays students’ work from all abilities
along with annotated levelled ones
Teacher uses innovative teaching methods which
take students’ learning to a new dimension on thinking level.
Seeing these features in a lesson will not take more than
three minutes once one steps into a classroom, hence the saying that an
inspector can form accurate judgement of the quality of teaching and learning
in that period, particularly when applying the litmus test of ‘Is there a real
relationship between students and teacher in this classroom?’ If yes, the
lesson does not always have to be perfect to be outstanding, we can all have
our off days.
Anyhow, outstanding teachers know they are outstanding from
the results they achieve with the students. It is a good idea to bear the following point in mind ‘I
am as good as the level my students reach.’ This is a motivating statement which always comes in handy when all the chips are down and one needs some reassurance.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are entirely mine and do not claim to represent the views of other practitioners.